Clear Steer: CARD READING 27th NOvember 2023

Monday Clear Steer tarot reading with Carolyn Creel

Your three cards this week are:

❤️ The High Priestess: 
Go inside and ask yourself the questions

❤️ The Death Card: Let the old stuff go, time for new beginnings

❤️ The Tower: Unexpected Change

Embracing Surrender: A Reflection on Letting Go
[Transcript from video]

Good morning, and happy Monday to everyone joining me today.

It's a particularly wet and dark Monday morning here in November. Well, what else can we expect? I'm the weather rebel up here in Yorkshire, and I've got an interesting topic for us to explore today: surrender and letting go.

The Unexpected Pause:
Last week, I found myself facing illness. Now, those who know me understand that I typically don't handle being unwell very gracefully. I've always fought it, stepped back from it, and pushed it away. However, last week was different—I surrendered. Amidst the spontaneous coughing fits, I realised the importance of yielding to the moment. Being forced to pause allowed me to sit within myself, reflecting on where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do. Illness, it seems, has a way of signaling when we need to stop and release.

Releasing Physically and Energetically:
During that week, there was a lot of releasing happening—physically and energetically. Interestingly, there's a full moon today, and the energies around us seem to be all over the place. It's a reminder to let go, ground ourselves, understand where we are, and envision where we want to go—not who we were.

Card Readings:
As always, the cards reflect the theme. Let's delve into the readings:

  1. The High Priestess: The first card is The High Priestess, representing going within for answers. It's a call to trust our intuition, asking ourselves the tough questions and avoiding seeking external validation. The associated chakra card is the third eye, emphasizing the importance of intuition as the guiding light within us.

  2. Death and Rebirth: The second card introduces the theme of death and rebirth. Contrary to its bad reputation, the Death card signifies the end of something, paving the way for new beginnings. It encourages us to let go of the old and make room for the new. The associated chakra card, Strength, resides in the throat chakra, emphasizing the power that comes from connecting with the roots of our being.

  3. The Tower: The third and final card is The Tower, often seen as a card of unexpected change. Rather than fearing chaos, it suggests that it's time to assess who we are now, not who we were. Embrace change, navigate through it, and stop resisting. The associated chakra card, God, resides in the Root Chakra, symbolizing the foundation of our being and the essence upon which our soul's castle is built.

Surrendering and letting go are not signs of weakness but powerful acts of self-awareness and growth.

As we align with the energies around us, especially during a full moon, we can release what no longer serves us and make space for transformation.

So, let go with the full moon and embrace the week ahead. Here's to a week filled with surrender, self-discovery, and positive change. Until next time, take care and goodbye!

In our Yorkshire tradition, we always seem to discuss the weather, but let's shift our focus to the new moon and the power it holds.

Let me know which cards resonated with you the most!

Carolyn x


Clear Steer: CARD READING 4th december 2023


Clear Steer: CARD READING 13th NOvember 2023