My story is all about cleaning, in one way or another.
It’s also about resilience, moving through tough times, and creating your own path. As a kid, I grew up in a small market town in North Yorkshire. I was the youngest of 2 daughters of a self-employed butcher; my Grandfather and Uncle were also butchers, so clearly it was a family thing.
I was very aware of Spirit from a young age. I could always feel energy, too; things like a drop in temperature, swirling colors surrounding people, other people's emotions, and even shadows were normal for me to see and be aware of.
In fact, after my Grandfather passed away, he came to visit me. I was about 15 at the time, and tucked up in bed. He appeared at the end of my bed and told me he knew I could see him, and could I tell the family he was happy and at peace. I passed the message on, and I know my family felt comforted by it.
Being quite honest, as a child I thought everyone had the same ability as me, so I didn't really make a thing of it.

As I grew older I chose to ignore the feelings, the signs from Spirit, and this intuitive part of me, and just got on with life.
I got married, I had a daughter, and looked for a ‘proper job’, which led to working for various cleaning companies over the years….
20 years ago, and a single mother by then, I decided to set up my own company with a colleague.
We started with nothing, and built the business from the ground up.
It was hard work, and I had a young family to support.
Together, my business partner and I cleaned.
We did the hard graft together on everything from the business back end to the daily nitty gritty of putting on those cleaning gloves and getting the job done.
We set up systems and procedures, and we won contracts through door to door selling.
Slowly but surely, we grew the business to the multi million-pound operation that it is today.
Whilst growing the cleaning business, I began to use my latent intuition again, that side of me that I had put aside for a while.
It was an absolutely huge factor in our success.
The more I tuned in to get guidance and the more I acted upon it, the more the business grew.
We would set goals, create vision boards, and set our intentions.
Every single goal we set, we hit.
I always made decisions using my ‘gut’ feeling, and of course Spirit often gave me a helping hand.
On one occasion, we turned up to one of my clients offices as usual, and I just felt this very strange, dark feeling wash over me.
I turned to my business partner, and said ‘something’s not right, we won’t be getting paid for this job, we need to leave now’.
So we did.
The following day I rang around to ask about the client, and it transpired that the business had gone bust that day.
It had all been very sudden, and no one was getting paid - but I knew, instinctively.
Trusting my gut, connecting to my higher self, and asking for guidance was such a key part to the success of the cleaning business.

What would your life look like if you trusted your intuition?
What might be possible for you?
Here are the ways to work with me
A Cards and a Cuppa Session is a brilliant way to check in, be heard, and get some clarity on your next steps.
The Clear Method is where your peace of mind and renewed sense of self begins.
Together we can uncover old stories, beliefs, energetic blocks, and face the things that are holding you back so that you can create a tangible shift in your life, and bring your most heart-felt visions into being.
OUT NOW: The CLEAR Method - The easy way to Declutter the Chaos, and find your Sparkle

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