How To Take a Much Needed Break From The Mental Load In Moments

In today's fast-paced world, stress and anxiety seem to be a constant presence in our lives.

It can feel like an overwhelming challenge to manage these feelings and maintain a healthy work-life balance and a calm state of mind.

Now, ebbs and flows are normal and part of being human, as much as we might not like it.

But living on the edge in a state of stress for prolonged stretches of time doesn’t do us any good.

Sometimes, we need to take a step back and do something for ourselves to declutter our minds and regain our focus.

One way to do this is by taking a break, even if just for a few minutes at different points in the day, and doing something calming.

You could put on some relaxing music or pick up a good book. Losing yourself in a different world away from the glare of screens is such a lovely way to take a moment for yourself.

Sitting quietly and taking deep breaths can really help you relax and unwind.

You could start with just ten minutes of focused breathing and then gradually build up from there.

When you're feeling stressed, just taking a few moments to focus on your breath can make a big difference, and it becomes a habit you turn to again and again as part of your life.

Cloud gazing is a fun and creative way to declutter your mind.

Watching the shapes and patterns of the clouds can be so calming and joyful, it’s one of my favourite things to do. You probably did it as a kid; as grown ups we forget to make time to find the magic around us.

Sometimes, the key to decluttering your mind is to embrace the mundane. This can help if you are feeling overwhelmed with the mental load of your to-do list, something so many of us, women in particular, can relate to.

Of course, the first thing is to ask for help as often as you can. With the tasks you have left, making them a time to zone out can really help.

Activities like cleaning or washing dishes can be surprisingly meditative. The repetitive, mindless motions can help you zone out and gain clarity.

Sometimes, doing simple tasks can help you find a sense of balance and calm.

Take a break from being in constant demand. Turn your phone into airplane mode and ignore the world for a few minutes, or as long as you are comfortable (this might take some practice!).

Taking time for yourself is essential for your mental and emotional well-being, and finding ways to declutter your mind that take just moments will help you dial down the overwhelm of mental load and rediscover your calm.

C xx


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