Sacred Rage: How the Magic of Menopause Helps Us Let Go
Menopause is a significant time in the life of a woman, and where my CLEAR Method comes into its own.
It’s all about the shift from one stage of life to another, which is rocky for some and not so much for others.
But either way, how our bodies, hormones and identities naturally move into the next stage of life has a lot to do with my CLEAR Method.
My mum and sister suffered with menopausal symptoms: hot flashes, the sweats, you name it…
I used to look at them and think: “No thanks. I don’t want any of that.”
And honestly, I didn't suffer too badly.
I was fortunate in that respect.
But during perimenopause and the time leading up to my menopause, I grappled with lots of things.
I felt anxious.
I struggled to be social like I had been before.
My brain wasn't working as it did previously.
It was a really difficult and challenging time.
But when I reached menopause itself, I let go of that stage and cleared the way to a new phase of my life, where I’m receiving new guidance, projects, and a whole new business.
My regular readers will know that to be true!
It reminds me that, just like grief, menopause is a portal to clear yourself in one of the most powerful ways to receive your new identity, your new way of living, and step into all that’s coming to you in your second phase of life as a woman.
These days, there’s more awareness and discussion around menopause – for good and bad.
It's great to have support available as we navigate what can be a super challenging time, and I'm really pleased these things aren’t taboo anymore.
But I do also think we can spend too much time and energy sitting in the stories of how everything is so bad during menopause.
We can label almost every symptom as menopausal, and once again it's that collective fear that we can so easily cling on to.
Just like I talk about gripping that pencil really hard, when we let go of it, we're able to receive and our hands are open again.
Often, we grip so hard onto stories, beliefs and other people's realities.
That’s not to say we aren’t suffering – many people do during this stage of life.
But let's keep in mind that we can stay in our own lane when it comes to experiencing menopause.
Our story is our own story.
Our experience is our own experience.
Let’s work within those parameters.
Whatever your perimenopause and menopause experience is, or has been, it’s unique to you – it’s your own.
It’s almost like an initiation into the next powerful stage of being a woman – one where you let go of who you were before in your fertile years when you had your monthly bleed.
I still experience symptoms and shifts at different points of my cycle, even though I no longer have that cycle.
It's as if our bodies are still linked to the moon and seasons in some way.
It really is quite magical, isn’t it?
Knowing myself and being able to lean into what my body and soul need at different times throughout the month is still really important to me.
It's all about using your intuition to figure out what you need.
Sacred Rage has often been spoken about – more so recently.
Rage is something that can really come through during the menopausal years, due to fluctuating hormones and the way we’re experiencing such enormous peaks and troughs of oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone.
Emotions can really throw us, and sometimes the anger that needs to come out is expressed during this time.
Let me tell you, my rage was pretty potent in perimenopause, and my mood swings were huge – my daughter and business partner will both tell you
I'm much calmer now.
But with hindsight, I can see that sometimes those emotions needed to be decluttered and let go of, for me to receive what was coming next.
We should never fear the power of emotions.
I speak about how grief is like The CLEAR Method on steroids – a natural way to process emotions in our bodies.
Menopause is the same.
Whenever we’re feeling these amplified emotions, CLEAR is a great way to:
Harness the energy of them
Move through old habits
Purge unproductive behaviours
And know that as we move through this state, we’re stepping into one that’s more open to receive, and way more powerful.
Many women move through menopause and feel more connected to themselves and their psychic abilities.
They know themselves far more than they ever have before.
How is your menopause experience?
Have you been through it?
Or are you going through perimenopause right now?
Wherever you are, I'd love to hear about your experience.
Carolyn x
Journal prompts:
If you are experiencing heightened emotions during your perimenopause and menopause, what are they?
Have they helped you to move through some difficult situations in any way?
What are you letting go of in your identity as you move through into your next stage of life?
Who do you feel you are becoming?
How do you feel you are changing as a person as you shift into your older years as a woman?
How are you taking on other people's stories of menopause around you? Have they affected you and your own experience?
Are you able to let any of them go?
What would you love to receive at this stage in your life?