Welcome to the CLEAR Method Meditation to Declutter Your Energetic Space!
Are you ready to unlock the magic that awaits when you create space for new things to arrive?
Join me on your very own transformative clearing journey as we delve into the power of energy and discover how it can shape our lives.
I recorded this simple, super effective energy clearing meditation just for you.
In just a few minutes, learn how to go through each of your energy centres and clear out anything that no longer serves you.
In our fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook the importance of decluttering our own energy, our busy minds, and the all consuming overwhelm that we so often carry with us.
Just like the physical areas where we live and work, our energetic environment plays a significant role in our overall well-being and success.
You deserve calm, my lovely, no matter how everything around you feels right now.
During this guided energy clearing meditation, I am sharing with you one of my favourite techniques to cleanse and release old energy, allowing the new to come flooding in.
Together, we will embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, where you'll learn to let go of old, stagnant energy, and invite in the positive energy that aligns with your dreams (and yes, dreaming is allowed, and super important!).
Make this short but simple meditation a regular habit in your daily CLEAR toolkit, and you'll witness the profound effects it can have on shifting old clutter in your energetic spaces and beyond.

Embrace this opportunity to welcome your dreams and the most powerful version of yourself into your life right now.
Sign up to receive exclusive access to the Clear With Me Meditation, and start experiencing the benefits of clearing right now.
Enter your name and email address below to gain immediate access, and watch your inbox for your dose of incoming calm!
Carolyn was very aware of Spirit from a young age. She could always feel energy, too; things like a drop in temperature, swirling colours surrounding people, other people's emotions, and even shadows were normal.
As Carolyn grew older she chose to ignore the feelings, the signs from Spirit, and the intuitive part of her, and just got on with life. After marriage, having her daughter, she decided to set up her own company and built it from the ground up.
Slowly but surely, they grew the business to the multi million-pound operation that it is today.
Whilst growing the cleaning business, Carolyn began to use her latent intuition again, that side of her she had put aside. It was an absolutely huge factor in her success in her business.
The more she tuned in to get guidance and the more she acted upon it, the more the business grew. Every single goal they set, they would hit.
Carolyn always made decisions using her ‘gut’ feeling, and of course Spirit often gave her a helping hand.
On one occasion, we turned up to one of my clients offices as usual, and I just felt this very strange, dark feeling wash over me.
Trusting her gut, connecting to her higher self, and asking for guidance was such a key part to the success of the cleaning business.
Carolyn is now a clairvoyant cleaner and spiritual declutter.
Carolyn’s work is all about helping women stuck in life’s messiness to gain momentum by decluttering & clearing energy so they can access their intuition & the magic of life ✨

Are you ready to manifest the life you've always desired?
Don't miss out on this opportunity to create positive change from within.
Sign up now and let’s clear some energy together!