How A Clean House Helps You To Be More In Touch With Your Inner Psychic
I’m a great believer that anyone can talk to spirit, if you’re willing to tap into your psychic wisdom and take steps to develop your intuition.
To get yourself in the strongest position, you may be surprised by what I suggest: decluttering your home and garden.
But really, it makes total sense.
And it’s easy, too.
By cleansing and decluttering your life – yourself, your connections and your spaces – you lift your energy and clear your mind.
Clearing your spaces with The CLEAR Method
Ensuring your home is comfortable and supportive of you allows energy to flow freely.
To achieve that, take the simple and quick steps that fall under my CLEAR Method:
Let go
For starters, love and appreciate your home: say hello and goodbye and add a layer of protection by placing rock salt or crystals in the corners of your rooms.
Making your bed, opening the curtains, and shaking out your duvet as soon as you get up are other easy but effective steps.
Additional ways to clear your house (and therefore your mind) include:
Regularly opening and cleaning your windows, allowing negative energy to leave and positive energy to flow in. Top tip: I use a white vinegar-based solution.
Clearing out your cupboards, drawers and wardrobes (ruthlessly if you can), and recycling or selling anything that has no use or you don't love.
Keeping your surfaces clean and vacuuming at least once a week to keep energy flowing.
It’s also about bringing happy vibes to your home.
With that in mind, try singing and dancing (honestly!).
Or get yourself a pet: animals increase joy.
When you have visitors, burn essential oils, palo santo, sage or incense, and repeat: “This house is clean and clear; leave your worries outside.”
After they leave, open your windows and say: ‘Anything that’s not mine, please move on.”
That way, residual energy is removed.
Work on your garden, by keeping it well-watered, mowing regularly, dead-heading old flowers, and hanging crystals and wind chimes.
While you’re at it, declutter your garage, paying unused items forward.
And of course, don’t forget to focus on yourself.
How? For me, daily gratitude and intention setting work wonders, helping me feel crystal clear on what I want, making it easy to achieve.
I also wear crystals in my bra and slip them under my pillow. At the moment, I carry Tigers Eye and Labradorite. If you’re building a business, I recommend Citrine.
What else?
Take ‘energy showers’ – go outside, brush your hands over your body from head to toe and imagine heavy energy and cluttered thoughts leaving your energy field. Shake your hands and wiggle your toes, and then push away energy you no longer need, making space for light and bright energy and thoughts.
Make time for yourself, whether that’s out in nature, with friends or reading a book at home.
Create a ‘let it go’ jar to tidy and declutter your mind – write down anything that's bothering you, including negative thoughts and feelings, and place them in the jar. When full, burn it in the light of the moon. Just let it go.
Combined, these steps ensure you and your spaces are receptive to positive energy, helping you get more in touch with your inner psychic.
To find out more or to book a session with me, visit my services page – I’m here to guide you as you embark on your spiritual journey.
Carolyn x