What Does Intuition Feel Like? How To Connect To Your Own Inner Guidance
Intuition exists in everyone.
Lightning-fast and effortless, it’s the natural ability to understand or know something based on feelings rather than proof and facts.
Research shows that intuition sifts through past knowledge, memories and cumulative experience to make immediate, automatic, quick choices.
It’s your gut feeling – that little voice inside you – guiding you one way or the other.
Intuition unconsciously steers you towards a ‘better decision’, but whether you listen to it is another matter.
What’s more, some people find it hard to know when their intuition is kicking in – but there are signs.
“Intuition is not a single way of knowing. It’s our ability to hold space for uncertainty and our willingness to trust the many ways we’ve developed knowledge and insight, including instinct, experience, faith and reason.
What does intuition feel like?
This powerful force comes in many guises, some of which are physical.
You may have a strong urge, or at the other end of the scale, a small inkling.
You may feel butterflies in your stomach or notice a tight feeling in your chest.
Perhaps you feel happy and confident, despite decisions seeming irrational.
Or maybe you're hyper-aware, be that your sense of smell, sight or sound.
Other indicators include:
You feel inspired and excited
You notice patterns
The same opportunities keep coming your way
You feel uneasy about a situation
You have an ah-ha comment of clarity when you’re not busy
Your thoughts are pulled in a particular direction
You feel sick, stressed or anxious
You have vivid dreams
Do any, some, or all of those resonate with you?
For author and activist Glennon Doyle, intuition is linked to freedom:
“I built a life of my own by resurrecting the very parts of myself I was trained to mistrust, hide, and abandon in order to keep others comfortable: My emotions My intuition My imagination My courage. Those are the keys to freedom. Those are who we are.”
Connecting to your inner guidance
There are many ways to sharpen and tap into your intuition, ranging from letting bad feelings go, connecting with others, surrounding yourself with people who enrich and empower you, and paying attention to what’s going on around you.
Sometimes, it’s simply finding time to be silent and still.
To develop your intuition even further and connect to your inner guidance, why not try my CLEAR Method?
A way to declutter your life and ensure your spaces are clear and receptive to positive energy, it stands for:
Cleanse: Looking at every aspect of your life to determine where you need to declutter.
Let go: Looking at life from a different perspective and starting to let go of things that are weighing you down – often the hardest step.
Energise: By letting go of clutter, that makes way for fresh energy – take your time here.
Action: Taking steps to change the way you think and look at life, and removing ‘blocks’ – possessions, people or energy that’s not yours.
Receive: Now you’ve cleared the way, the final phase involves making space to receive the goodness that will undoubtedly flow your way.
By regularly decluttering your life, letting go of the past, and cleaning your energy, you open yourself to connect to your inner guidance and receive what’s waiting around the corner.
Carolyn x