The Power of Creating Your Own Hope In Uncertain Times

The times we live in right now are nothing short of continually surprising, are they? 

Over the last few years, we’ve seen all sorts of things shaking us to the very core of our existence. 

However we live our lives, and whoever we are, we’ve all been affected in one way or another. 

Uncertainty is difficult. 

Uncertainty is the perfect breeding ground for fear, mistrust, doubt, and a real sense of lacking. 

And there’s no doubt that for many, many people, their lives have been changed beyond all recognition. 

With the world in an ever-increasing state of chaos, is there anything we can do? 

I truly believe that the way we choose to react and create our own lives is the pathway to hope.

What we do have control over is:

  • Navigating the way we feel

  • How we set up our own emotions and nervous system

  • Our intuition and the way we live our lives

We always have choices: even in the tiniest of ways, and when it feels like we don’t.

I've navigated many difficult things throughout my life. 

No one reaches my age without some stories – and believe me, I have many!My experience of growing a business, raising a family, and coming through some of the most difficult times shows me that we can create our own hope by taking steps to love ourselves just a little bit more. 

And that isn't an airy fairy, nebulous term – loving ourselves means giving ourselves hope, and finding strength in the things that light us up and make us feel excited inside. 

What brings you joy?

Incorporating those things into your life, even in the smallest of ways, is so empowering.

Creating hope for yourself and trusting there’s a future that’s exciting and bright is so transformative.First of all, you need to take the time to dream and consider how you’d like your life to look. How would you like your days to feel? How do you want to spend your time, and with whom?We often forget to dream, and appreciate that we can put things in place to change our lives.

Clearing your space may feel like a futile act when the world’s in chaos and so many people are struggling.

But if we can change our own lives in the smallest of ways, it really does have a ripple effect that goes out into the world in the most profound way. 

Think about your own inner circle: if you clear your space, connect to your intuition, and create the life you love (and in which you thrive), you affect the people around you.

Show them how to do the same; share that joy and hope.

When it feels like you can't take control of anything, you can control your own sense of well-being and hope. 

My CLEAR Method is a great way to start.

Begin in the tiniest of ways by setting yourself goals to clear areas of your home, freeing up energy to receive more joy and hope. 

Clearing spaces of clutter also releases the old stories, the old energies, and the old pieces of you that no longer fit into the life you're building. 

Hope can still exist in the most uncertain times.

Finding it requires you to make room to get clear in every way. 

Feel free to contact me if you’d like a chat about where to start decluttering your life.

Carolyn x


Welcome to Middle Age - Your Most Empowered Life Stage Yet


Carolyn Creel Opens The Awakening Festival this September 2022